- 2005-09 - 2009-07: 燕山大学 学士
- 2009-09 - 2014-09: 南京大学 博士
- 2013-06 - 2013-09: Universite du Quebec a Montreal 访问学者
- 2014-09 - 2017-08 77779193永利副教授
- 2021-04 - 至今 77779193永利青年教授
- 致力于生态遥感、水循环定量遥感、生态系统碳-水耦合循环监测与模拟等研究工作。科研兴趣主要包括: 1、植被物候观测与模拟 2、蒸散发遥感反演 4、生态系统功能对极端气候的响应与反馈 4、地表覆盖变化及其生态水文效应
- 顾及植被物候动态的森林蒸腾遥感估算研究
- 森林生态系统水分利用效率对遥感地表物候年际变化的响应
- 利用遥感监测长江三角洲森林物候变化对碳-水耦合过程的影响
- 竹林水分利用效率对物候变化响应的遥感监测与模型模拟
- 物候时空变化对毛竹林碳-水耦合过程影响的遥感监测
- 植被覆盖度变化对流域蒸散发影响的遥感监测
- Improved modeling of canopy transpiration for temperate forests by incorporating a LAI-based dynamic parametrization scheme of stomatal slope,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,SCI,2022,Jiaxin Jin,Tao Yan,Han Wang,326/109157
- Heterogeneity of Land Cover Data with Discrete Classes Obscured Remotely-Sensed Detection of Sensitivity of Forest Photosynthesis to Climate,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,SCI,2021,Jiaxin Jin,Tao Yan,Qingsong Zhu,104/102567
- Concurrent and lagged effects of spring greening on seasonal carbon gain and water loss across the Northern Hemisphere,International Journal of Biometeorology,2020,Jiaxin Jin,Fengsheng Guo,Sebastian Sippel,Jiaxin Jin,64/1343-1354
- Unbalanced forest displacement across the coastal urban groups of eastern China in recent decades,Science of the Total Environment,2020,Yingying Ji,Jiaxin Jin,Qingsong Zhu,705/135900
- Responses of water use efficiency to phenology in typical subtropical forest ecosystems—A case study in Zhejiang Province,Science China: Earth sciences,2019,Fengsheng Guo,Jiaxin Jin,Bin Yong,62/1-12
- Grassland production in response to changes in biological metrics over the Tibetan Plateau,Science of the Total Environment,2019,Jiaxin Jin,Xuanlong Ma,Huai Chen,666/641-651
- Contrasting Trends of Forest Coverage between the Inland and Coastal Urban Groups of China over the Past Decades,Sustainability,2019,Qingsong Zhu,Jiaxin Jin,Pengxiang Wang,11/4451
- Evaluation of Microclimatic Detection by a Wireless Sensor Network in Forest Ecosystems,Scientific Reports,2018,Jiaxin Jin,Ying Wang,Hong Jiang,8/16433
- Analysis of Changes and Potential Characteristics of Cultivated Land Productivity Based on MODIS EVI: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China,Remote Sensing,2019,Weiyi Xu, Jiaxin Jin,Xiaobin Jin,11/2041
- Water Use Efficiency in Response to Interannual Variations in Flux-based Photosynthetic Onset in Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forests,Ecological Indicators,2017,Jiaxin Jin,Wenfeng Zhan,Ying Wang,79/122-127
- Phenology Plays an Important Role in the Regulation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency in the Northern Hemisphere,Remote Sensing,2017,Jiaxin Jin,Ying Wang,Zhen Zhang,9/664
- Recent NDVI-based Variation in Growth of Boreal Intact Forest Landscapes and Its Correlation with Climatic Variables,Sustainability,2016,Jiaxin Jin,Ying Wang,Hong Jiang,8/326
- Improvement of Ecological Geographic Regionalization Based on Remote Sensing and Canonical Correspondence Analysis: A Case Study in China,Science China: Earth Science,2016,Jiaxin Jin,Ying Wang,Hong Jiang,59(1)/1-9
- Climate Change Contribution to Forest Growth in Eastern China over Past Two Decades,Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences,2014,Jiaxin Jin,Hong Jiang,Changhui Peng,25(1)/49-60
- Using Multivariate Analysis to Detect the Hyperspectral Response of Chinese Fir to Acid Stress,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2013,Jiaxin Jin,Hong Jiang,Xiuying Zhang,34(11)/3775-3786
- Detecting the Responses of Masson Pine to Acid Stress Using Hyperspectral and Multispectral Remote Sensing,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2013,Jiaxin Jin,Hong Jiang,Xiuying Zhang,34(20)/7340-7355
- Characterizing Spatial-Temporal Variations in Vegetation Phenology over the North-South Transect of Northeast Asia Based upon the MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index,Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences,2012,Jiaxin Jin,Hong Jiang,Xiuying Zhang,23(4)/413-424
- 长江流域极端水文气象事件时空变化特征及其对植被影响,水科学进展,EI,2021,金佳鑫,肖圆圆,金君良,32(6)/867-876
- Uncertainty Analysis of Multisource Land Cover Products in China,Sustainability,SCI/SSCI,2021,Longhao Wang,Jiaxin Jin,13/8857
- Analysis of Water Yield Changes from 1981 to 2018 Using an Improved Mann-Kendall Test,Remote Sensing,SCI,2022,Han Gao,Jiaxin Jin,14(9)/2009
- Quantification of Urban Heat Island-Induced Contribution to Advance in Spring Phenology: A Case Study in Hangzhou, China,Remote Sensing,SCI,2021,Yingying Ji,Jiaxin Jin,Wenfeng Zhan,13/3684
- Quantifying the influences of climate change and human activities on the grassland in the Southwest Transboundary Basin, China,Journal of Environmental Management,SCI,2022,Zehui Zhou,Jiaxin Jin,Bin Yong,115612
- 1992–2018年中国及其毗邻地区土地覆盖与景观多样性数据集,中国科学数据,CSCD,2022,严涛,金佳鑫,朱青松,7(1)/1-10
- 全球大气二氧化碳浓度2°×2.5°栅格模拟数据集(1992-2020),全球变化数据学报,CSCD,2022,侯炜烨,金佳鑫,严涛,6(2)/191-199
- 基于“两叶”模型的2001–2016年贵州省LAI与APAR数据集,中国科学数据,CSCD,2022,刘颖,周士杰,金佳鑫,7(1)/1-11
- 基于遥感数据的多年平均物候不确定性研究,遥感学报,EI,2022,金佳鑫,季盈盈,郭丰生,9
- 一种顾及物侯信息的植被冠层蒸腾反演算法
- 一种基于数字相机影像有效像元的植被物候期提取技术
- 国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会数字水圈专业委员会 委员
- 中国地理学会农业地理与乡村发展专业委员会 委员
- 《Frontiers in Plant Science》期刊
- “大禹学者”(第四层次)
- 青年遥感与地理信息科技奖
- “五四”青年奖
- 突出贡献优秀个人
- 江苏高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师
- 青年岗位标兵